The foundation of the new orphanage has now been completed. We have helped fill in the holes with rocks and filling in the sides of the water tank with sand. It has been great to see all the smiling children again and how they all do their little bit to help out.
We have taken two of the children to a small water park they were beaming from ear to ear and really enjoyed it. We have also seen the celebrations of Diwali which is like November 5th but a lot more explosive and dangerous as half the rockets take off and half explode on the ground. They have ground fireworks called bombs which are exactly what it sounds like. If you put a tin cup on top the cup is fired up into the air and about 5 seconds later it returns to earth from its small trip into orbit. One of the orphan’s relatives took us to their coconut farm and we were given 3 coconuts to drink straight away. It is fascinating to seem them climb what seems to be a smooth trunked tree.
This week has been mainly spent in some rural villages about 60km out of Coimbatore. We’ve met a lot of Hindu people and have had many Gospel preachings throughout the different villages. Some congregations were half Hindu and half Christian which was interesting. We have also been looking around large companies to try and find jobs for the children when they leave the orphanage to support themselves. We have successfully taught the children some songs and some English and today we are continuing to help build the orphanage and attempting to wash clothes in a bucket of water, this turned into more of a water fight with the young children as they found it very funny to jump on your back when you were washing and to spray you with as much water as possible. This is a brief account and due to a lack of internet connection updates maybe few and far between!